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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
West Palm Beach, Florida 02
This collection shows the incredible variety one may encounter
in a small area.
Click on picture to see the full image and see the creature identification.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
butter hamlet
spotted trunkfish
lined seahorse 7
southern stingray
scrawled filefish pair
purple reef fish 1
striped burrfish 2
white grunt
king helmet
spanish hogfish juvenile
spotfin butterflyfish 2
three-rowed sea cucumber
rope pore sponge
sheepshead 1
queen conch watching you
sharptail eel
sawcheek cardinalfish
star coral
scrawled cowfish 4
sand perch
queen angelfish 8
unknown worm
spotted moray 10
princess parrotfish
surgeonfish at breakfast
super tiny angelfish with fingertip
striped mullet
sea cucumber
orangespotted goby
porqupinefish 2
polka dot batfish 4
overgrowing sponge
orangespotted filefish
saddled parrotfish initial phase
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