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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Peanut Island, Florida November 2021 Vol 1
An incredible day. Sighting of a very rare crimson coral shrimp
(which is not supposed to live this far north) and a face to face encounter with an eagle ray.
Click on picture to see the full image and see the creature identification.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
eagle ray encounter 19
blackear wrasse
bar jacks
crimson coral shrimp 3
bluehead wrasse
bandtail puffer
doctorfish 1
gray and french angelfish
black bass
barred blenny
bridled parrotfish
atlantic spadefish
checkered puffer
atlantic longarm octopus
big eye jacks
blue parrotfish juvenile
gray angelfish
blue swimming crab
ceasar grunt
blue angelfish juvenile
eagle ray encounter 1
beaded sea cucumber
colorful wrasse
horse conch
caribbean reef squid
bermuda chub
common jack 6
highhat juvenile
houndfish with remora
bulb tunicates
blue-spotted coronetfish
crimson coral shrimp 4
azure vase sponge
bluehead wrasse intermediate phase
downy blenny
blackear wrasse
bridled parrotfish
common snook
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