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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Indian Key, Florida 8/13/18
The very shallow waters and swift currents around this tiny island keep the waters clouded, but the very high water temps make it home to some interesting discoveries.
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Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
measled cowrie 3
unknown coral
Masquerader hairy blenny
young barrel sponge
green mermaid's wine glass
delicate ivory coral
spotted sea hare
porkfish with queen conch
slate pencil urchin
orange spiny sea rods
gray snapper
brown zoanthids
zebra nerites
strange unknown goby
green grape alga
night sergeant
black ball sponge
sea whip
yellow jack
unique star coral
knobby star coral
tiny yellow stingray
sponges within a sponge
rainbow parrotfish
upstart young sponges
striped snapping shrimp
red-ridged clinging crab
scrawled cowfish
queen conch
split-crown feather duster
measled cowrie 5
super small unknown blenny
smooth star coral
solitary sea rods
schoolmaster juvenile
porkfish juvenile
measled cowrie 7
medusa worm and encrusting sponge
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