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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Scout Key Quarry, Florida 3/22/18
Volume 1
A delightful place to explore shallow rock hideouts, border mangroves,
and grass beds. Several rare and unusual creatures.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

sponge decorator crab 8

verigated urchin

toadfish 24

unknown crab

yellowfin mojarra

unknown crab with chiton

smooth brittle star

rough fileclam

snails galore

rock borin urchins and anemone

red-ridged clinging crab

mangrove tunicates (2)

sponge decorator crab 15

toadfish 32

verigated urchin in green grape alga

redear sardine

west indian fuzzy chiton

rough fileclam

watercress alga


worm rock after worms have departed

west indian star snail

true tulip

schoolmaster juvenile

mangrove tunicates

unknown crab

overgrowing sponge

verigated urchin

ocellate swimming crab

sponge decorator crab 10

toadfish 25

smooth brittle star

rough fileclam

yellowfin mojarra

nurse shark

redear sardines

verigated urchin

unknown crab

unknown crab

snails galore
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