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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Riviera Beach, Florida Crabs
These come in so many shapes and sizes,
and I lack any resources to identify many of them.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

a decorator crab

coral clinging crabs

unknown crab (7)

rough box crab (2)

rubble crab

ocellate box crab (2)

see the tiny crab exploring the sponge

shortfinger neck crab 4

arrow crab (5)

cool decorator crab

rare red box crab

barnacle encrusted crab

blue crab

crab of a different sort

colorful collection of creatures

coral clinging crab

crab of a striking color

it is a decorator crab

crab warding off triggerfish

cool little crab at fingertip

box crab peering out

beautiful unknown crab quarter inch in

decorator crab (3)

amazing decorator not a half inch across

decorator crab complete with barnacles

extremely lumpy box crab

hairy crab

decorator crab (4)

crazy-eyed box crab

crab of a striking mood

decorator crab (5)

arrow crab 3

decorator crab (12)

decorator crab (9)

decorator crab (8)

decorator crab (20)

decorator crab (14)

decorator crab (19)

decorator crab (15)

shortfinger neck crab 2
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