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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Riviera Beach, Florida May, 2021 Vol. 2
Second set from a series of dives in May.
Features some great eel shots, tiny shrimp and a passing manatee.
Click on picture to enlarge. Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

spotted moray eel 6 (2)

caribbean reef squid

gray triggerfish

highhat juvenile

banded butterfly fish (2)

belted sandfish

bicolor damsel fish

arrow crab with a hermit

barred rosy blenny female

french angelfish 8

beaded sea star

black hamlet 5

dusky damselfish

angelfish juvenile

bar jack

beaugregory in the sponges

black grouper (2)

attractive fish

black-spotted feather duster

blue angelfish 2


bell tunicates

bicolor damselfish

a porkfish with surgeonfish

white grunt 2

bluehead wrasse intermediate phase

bluehead wrasse

black margate

brown harlequin snapping shrimp 2

circle-marked brittle star

blue tang juvenile

blue tang intermediate phase

bluestripe grunt and tomtates

brightly hued encrusting sponge

black grouper

doctorfish (3)

eyed flounder

hairy blenny complex courting male

brown harlequin snapping shrimp

bottle for a home
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