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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
January at Blue Heron Bridge, Florida Volume 4
My first nudibranch, and plenty of other cool creatures.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

smooth trunkfish juvenile

rusty goby

rusty goby very rare

my first nudibranch (snails without

purple-ring aeolid 21

purple-ring aeolid

purple-ring aeolid 15

purple-ring aeolid 14

purple-ring aeolid 4

purple-ring aeolid 3

purple ring aeolid 11

purple-ring aeolid 9

purple-ring aeolid

leopard sea robin (2)

hairy blenny complex male

warty side-gill slug

striated frogfish

stoplight parrotfish terminal phase (2)

snapping shrimp clearing the passageway

seaweed blenny (2)

saddled parrotfish terminal phase

roughhead blenny

roughhead blenny 4

roughhead blenny 2

rosy blenny male

redband parrotfish

redtail parrotfish initial phase

red sieve encrusting sponge

rusty goby

porqupinefish going

planehead filefish 5

orange-spotted filefish

longtail grass shrimp

lovely polyps

leopard searobin 3

highhat juvenile (2)

gray triggerfish 7

grass squid 3

florida peppermint shrimp 4

eagle ray 1
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