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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Speyside, Tobago, Set 3
Massive sponges, healthy coral, not so many fish and creatures,
owing to depths of 80 - 100 feet, but enough to satisfy.
Click on picture to enlarge.
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honeycomb cowfish
amazing sponge
azure tube sponge
banded butterfly fish 5
blackbar soldierfish
at least fifteen living life forms in one shot
banded coral shrimp
bipinnate sea plume
black durgon
barred blenny (2)
blue branched algae
bell sponge
brown tube sponge
blade fire coral (2)
blue tang
caesar grunt
bipinnate sea plume
butterprint brain coral
blunt-spined brittle star
black durgon with beautiful sponges
butterfly among the coral
branching fire coral
citron sponge and greater star coral
chain of plankton
creole wrasse
brain coral
colorful sponges, corals, and algaes
common sea fan
citron sponge and smooth star coral
boulder brain coral and grooved brain coral
banded butterflyfish (2)
black margate
blade fire coral
bluehead wrasse over immense sponge
convoluted barrel sponge
boulder brain coral
banded butterflyfish
bristled rubble crab
brown tube sponge (2)
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