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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
From February 2023
Speyside, Tobago, Set 4
Final set of pictures featuring massive sponges, healthy coral, not so many fish and creatures, at 80-100 feet of depth.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
yellowtail damselfish (6)
yellowtail snapper
large star coral
long spine sea fan
ocean surgeonfish
lavender rope sponge
longspine squirrelfish
maze coral
lesser star coral
lettuce leaf slug
queen triggerfish
life in a crevace
lobed star coral
planktonic tunicate first sighting
queen angelfish and enormous sponge
yellowhead wrasse
knobby brain coral (2)
knobby sea rods 2
reef butterflyfish
largest brain coral in western hemisphere
largest brain coral in western hemisphere
juvenile yellowtail damselfish
Master's handiwork
pallid doctorfish
massive starlet coral
long-spined sea urchin
lovely green sponge and yellow porous coral
largeclaw snapping shrimp
mountainous star coral
yellowtail parrotfish
rock hind
lionfish juvenile
long-spined sea urchin in the sponges
princess parrotfish
multiple coral varieties
orange cup coral
overgrowing tunicates
serene scene
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