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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Marathon, Florida Vol. 2
Here is the second of three huge sets of photos taken from a series of dives off Marathon, Florida.
Sites include Sombrero Reef, Elbow Reef, Stake Reef and The Sanctuary.
Only one first-time sighting but many nice hard corals.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

yellowhead wrasse initial phase

flamingo tongue

queen angelfish

grooved brain coral 37

spotfin butterfly fish

rough cactus coral

giant barrel sponge (2)

knobbed porgy

porous sea rod

smooth starlet coral

gray angelfish

great star coral

y branched algae blue variety

symmetrical brain coral

sea plumes

snook facing

mustard hill coral

y-twig alga

lettuce coral

encrusting zoanthids

common sea fan (2)

brown cluster tube sponge

branchlet sponge

boulder brain coral and maze coral

young loggerhead sponge

thriving hillside

symmetrial brain coral 8

sea fans

rough cactus coral

pretty polyp display

overgrowing mat tunicate

maze coral

longfin damselfish

doctorfish with spottail butterfly

icredible scene

great star coral 43

great star coral 24

great barracuda

fragile saucer coral (2)

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