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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Three Islands, Martinique Vol. 2
May 18, 2017
A shore dive which led to a lovely reef provided rock, sand, strong currents, and sheltered coves
-- so we we saw a little bit of everything. In these three volumes you will too.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
bluehead wrasses
giant barrel sponge and juvenile yellowhead wrasse
warty corallimorph 9
yellow fanworm and split-crown feather dusters
unknown goby
star encrusting sponge
sponge brittle star (2)
smooth trunkfish
orange filefish
labyrinthine brain coral
common sea fan
branching vase sponge
split crown feather dusters and much more
redlip blenny (2)
sand diver
many life forms
hairy blenny complex
giant barrel sponge
cluster yellow tube sponge
blunt armed brittle star
yellowtail damsel crossing a hurting reef
warty corallimorph 6
star horseshoe worms
sponge brittle star
star encrusting sponge
mustard hill coral
lined seahorse
giant barrel sponges
corky sea finger
brilliant purple sponge
warty corallimorph
three-spot damselfish (2)
star coral with green centers
sheets of star coral
purple-tipped giant anenome
hidden anenome (2)
feather dusters in fire coral
cluster yellow tube sponge (2)
blue-ring sea hares
yellowtail damselfish
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