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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Riviera Beach, Florida 2-17-17
Fine water and fair sunshine
and plenty of juvenile specimens getting started in life.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

princess parrotfish terminal phase

seaweed blenny unusual yellow variaton

porcupine fish 1

gray triggerfish 2

polka dot batfish

yellow sting ray undercover

warty side-gill slug

very young shortnose batfish

very juvenile yellowhead wrasse

very young angelfish


unknown goby

an invitation to explore

unknown (4)


decorator crab 13

think that crab is tiny look at the one on the ring finger

spotfin butterflyfish intermediate phase

spotfin butterflyfish juvenile about one half inch across

southern puffer 5

southern puffer 2

stoplight parrotfish initial phase

striped burrfish (2)

tiny bluehead initial phase hiding in urchin

social feather duster worms

soapfish and star

slippery rick

segmented worm - unknown variety

scrawled cowfish

red-stripe hermits

red-ridged clinging crab

tomtate juveniles

atlantic black sea hare 28

sailors choice

saddled parrotfish

sand diver

seaweed blenny

plumed scorpionfish 1

unknown goby

pearly razorfish
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