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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
July 2024
A two-day trip most notable for a number of curious slugs
and a half-inch long baby lobster.
Click on picture to see the full image and see the creature identification.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
banded cardinal fish
batfish 1
sand perch
rainbow parrotfish 1
flying gurnard 6
great sponges of the riviera 3
bluethroat pikeblenny
bluestripe grunt
scrawled filefish 7
atlantic triton's trumpet 2
baby lobster half-inch long 6
queen angelfish 4
slimy doris 2
bridled goby
sea cucumber making waste
spotted moray 4
princess parrot
lobster neath a long-spined urchin
bobbit worm
great sponges of the riviera 4
unknown slug 1
atlantic spadefish
brown squilla
florida stone crab
flame fish
lionfish 3
feather duster worm
encrusting tunicate
french angel juvenile
masquerader hairy blenny complex male
spot fin butterfly fish
arrow crabs and urchin
grouper (2)
yellowface pikeblenny female
bicolor damsel
extremely miniscule brittle star
redtail parrotfish
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