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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Looe Key, Florida
The day began with a swimming moray eel. Clear waters and calm seas led to a very enjoyable dive.
Click on picture to see the full image and see the creature identification.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

greetings humans

black grouper

yours truly with ray


rock beauty

ceasar grunt

bar jacks

banded butterflyfish

huge moray on the move

huge moray on the move

huge moray on the move

huge moray on the move

cocoa damselfish terminal phase

barrel sponge

blue parrotfish

saucereye porgy

goliath grouper

spotfin butterflyfish

amber penshell with mustard hill coral

hogfish terminal phase


box fire coral

gray angelfish

mutton snapper

gray snapper

rock hind

rainbow parrotfish

atlantic spadefish

blue tang

coral galore

brown tube sponge

bridled parrotfish with remora

southern stingray (2)

mohagany snapper

massive starlet coral


stoplight parrotfish terminal phase

azure vase sponge

goliath grouper (5)

yellowhead wrasse terminal phase
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