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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Asta Reef, Barbados Vol. 1
May 18, 2017
This was a deep water dive below 80' so there was not a lot of light with which to take pictures
but there was a lot of life to photograph. Some nice coral varieties.
Thanks to Andrew Western at Eco Dive for a great trip.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

artichoke coral

unknown at 82'

spotted drum

honeycomb cowfish

yellow tube sponge

deep-grooved brain coral

barred hamlet

purplemouth moray

spiny flower coral

ridged cactus coral

marvelous sponge

symmetrical brain coral

coney dark phase with cymothoid isopods on each cheek

huge sponge in a city of coral

coral with predators encroaching

great star coral green variation

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brown chromis

giant slit-pore sea rod

yellowhead wrasse juvenile

yellow tube sponges

ridged cactus coral

redband parrotfish terminal phase

deep valleys

branching tube sponge lavender

blue chromis

a pair of trumpets

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Unidentified Floating Object passing star coral colony

great star coral fluorescing orange with blackbar soldierfish

spectacular colony of sea rods

maze coral

crz 16 2 052

broad giant barrel sponge

coney bi-color dark phase

atlantic trumpetfish

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crz 16 2 355

caesar grunt juvenile

brown bowl sponge close
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