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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
The Best of St. Croix
From the nearly-dead reef at Buck Island National Monument,
to the healthier spots on the opposite side of the island.
Mostly deep water shots and very few fish.
Click on picture to see the full image and see the creature identification.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

blue tang at school

golden zoanthid st cro

stoplight terminal st cr


barrel sponges and sea plumes s cr

longfin damselfish st cr

chromis st cr

unusual yelow sea cucumber st croix

squirrelfish st cr

takeoff st croix

golden zoanthid st cr

beautifil tube sponge

bar jack st croix

redtail needlefish

a lavender rope sponge

overspreading tunicates s cr


corkscrew anenome st cr

artichoke coral

bar jack

banded butterflyfish

encrusting social tunicates s cr

squirrel fish st cr

glassy sweepers st cr

grooved blade sea whip with bronze sea

branching fire coral

scrawled filefish pair

checkered puffer


branching vase sponge 10

branching tube sponge from above

convoluted orange sponge

blue tang st croix

blue chromis in the rope sponge

cushion star

blue tang gaud

golden zoanthid s cr

bar jack flashing dark

grey trumpet st cr

butter hamlet
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