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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Destin, Florida
In brown water on an outgoing tide (translation, no clear photos)
the search for the rare gulf toad fish did not disappoint.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.

gulf toadfish
found only in this location

banded tulip

molly miller 14


florida stone crab

red-striped hermit

gulf flounder

cowrie helmet

gulf toadfish 14

white-striped crab

molly miller 28

white mullet

doctorfish juvenile

gray snapper

angular triton

molly miller 41


gulf toadfish 23

silver porgy

gulf flounder bedded down

irish pompano

laval fishes

red-striped hermit (2)


angular triton (2)

molly miller female

florida stone crab


gulf toadfish 22

molly miller

gulf flounder

stone crab

slippery rick (2)

tiny rock shell

white mullet

unknown crab

gulf toadfish 21

molly miller 42

unknown goby (4)

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