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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
January at Blue Heron Bridge, Florida Volume 3
Sometimes the action is above you, as with these jellies, and often it is crawling or walking rather than swimming.
These collections will include many first-time sightings.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
longtail grass shrimp
large claw snapping shrim
spottail goby (2)
winged comb jelly 5
winged comb jelly 4
winged comb jelly 3
winged comb jelly 2
winged comb jelly 1
warty side-gill slug displaying side gill
warty side-gill slug 9
warty side-gill slug 8
spotted frogfish
spotted frogfish tan variation
take note of his lure
murex gathering to make more murex
each contributing to the egg casing
verigated urchin lavender variation
verigated urchin feeding
unknown worm 4
unknown worms 2
unknown worm 1
unknown jelly
ufo unidentified floating object
ufo 2
ufo 3
two-spined sea star
two-spined sea sar
tree worm colony
tiny banded coral shrimp
spot-winged comb jelly
spot-winged comb jelly 18
spot-winged comb jelly 4
spot-winged comb jelly 3
spot-winged comb jelly 6
spot-winged comb jelly 11
spot-winged comb jelly 7
spot-winged comb jelly 12
spot-winged comb jelly 14
spot-winged comb jelly (3)
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